Sunday, September 06, 2009

Go away, Toms. You're worse than useless

Thomas Friedman and Tom Brokaw, describing the Internet (and, by extension, the bloggers who uncovered the mountain of damning information that forced Van Jones to resign in disgrace yesterday) as "so much disinformation out there"... "you have to vet information... you have to test it" (Brokaw) and "an open sewer of untreated, unfiltered information" (Friedman) while discussing the Van Jones resignation on Meet The Press this morning.

Hey, uh, fellas? If you grand poobahs in the mainstream press had just done your jobs properly in the first place, instead of falling all over yourselves to worship at the feet of the all-popular Messiah, the "amateurs" on the Net wouldn't have had to go and dig up all of these easily obtainable facts about Jones for themselves.

We say "facts", gentlemen, because please name one thing written about Jones on the big, bad, scary Internet that was untrue or libelous. You can't, of course, and neither can Jones in his rambling resignation letter alleging unspecified "smears", "lies" and "distortions", because he himself was openly taped and recorded (sometimes even by his own organizations and people) on multiple occasions spewing his racist, hateful statements (he was a public figure at the time and quite fair game, Mr. Friedman), and he also personally admitted to signing the "9/11 Truther" document.

Where, oh where are the falsehoods, then, besides in your own minds, sirs?

(h/t to Gateway Pundit)

1 comment:

Warthog said...

Taken in the context that this discussion was started they sure seem to be making excusses for Van Jones and blaming the internet for his demise.

You hit it right on the head by saying that everything damning against him were his own words. Nothing was speculation or taken out of context because the every word is spoken or written by him.

These guys are right about the internet though. You have to vett everything you read and do your own research. You can not take the things written or said on youtube for fact unless they are siting facts that you can verify.

On my blog, I site my sources or state that something is my own opinion or speculation. I also make sure that my followers site anything they state as fact. Because my blog is about personal responsibility focusing on self defense, I get a lot of posters stating that Guns kill more children than anything else or other rediculous falsehoods. Never has anyone ever sited anything to substantiate those claims.

The internet is the greatest creation for freedom ever invented. But just like any tool, it must be used responsibly. In the wrong hands it can be used as a weapon.

Sorry for the long post.
