Wednesday, September 02, 2009

A very simplistic answer from a true simpleton

The Messiah's green jobs "czar", Van Jones, calls Congressional Republicans (and, by extension, those citizens who support conservative principles) "assholes" and Obama "not an asshole" during a lecture in Berkeley on February 11, 2009, in response to an audience member's question about the inability of the Democrats to ram through legislation quickly enough for her:

He's just one of the 35 or so unelected, unconfirmed by Congress, unaccountable-to-anyone-but-the-Messiah benevolent "czars" who are in charge of everything from energy to TARP to automotive to housing to the Great Lakes (no subject is to small to rate its own dictator, it seems), and who are currently laboring away reshaping our country into the Socialist paradise of Obama's dreams.

Want to know more about this execrable gentleman? Glenn Beck's all over it:

This is the kind of "professional" person that the Messiah deems worthy enough to have the power to dictate how you're going to be able to live your daily life in the future.

Do you agree with him?

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