Thursday, September 17, 2009

Wise words from all quarters

"Is the New York Times or NBC News really mainstream when they ignore the Van Jones story?

Isn’t there something wrong when Glenn Beck, who doesn’t even pretend to be a journalist, scoops the “mainstream media” on all sorts of stories – from Van Jones to Acorn, to name just two recent examples?"

Respected former CBS newsman Bernie Goldberg. His sentiments are particularly apt given that a fifth ACORN video has surfaced, this one featuring a reprehensible worm of a San Diego ACORN employee who offers to use his contacts to help facilitate the smuggling of tens of (fictitious, fortunately) underage girls from El Salvador across the border at Tijuana for the purpose of putting them to work in this country as child prostitutes.

We would also add Daily Show host Jon Stewart to the list of people who are apparently fed up with the traditional news outlets:

One truly knows that the fix is in when even an openly liberal self-described "fake newsman" feels he has to step up and excoriate his buddies in the "mainstream" press for their shameful lack of coverage of these truly earth-shattering stories, ones that involve the sordid acts of both individuals (Jones) and groups (ACORN) who are intimately involved with the President of the United States.

"Camelot" is gone for good, no matter how hard the liberal-leaning media wishes to bring it back.

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