Thursday, September 17, 2009

They're really going to do it

The Massachusetts State Legislature is scheduled to vote tomorrow (and is expected to approve by a comfortable margin, given the predominance of Democrats in those bodies) on reinstating the policy of a governor appointing an interim senator due to a vacancy, in order to satisfy the last wishes of Ted Kennedy.

This, of course, is the exact same process that those very legislators got rid of in 2004 in favor of an interim election process, also at the behest of Kennedy (his third or fourth last wish, perhaps?), as the state's Democrats were worried about then-Republican Governor Mitt Romney getting to make a senatorial appointment if John Kerry were to win the Presidential election that year.

That decision was deemed prudent, reasonable and fair by the legislators at the time; not one single thing has changed in the five years since, except the letter after the governor's name. Now all of a sudden the law needs to be "fixed" posthaste (and ex post facto) because their Messiah is being inconvenienced by Kennedy's death. Heck, the President himself is even not-so-subtly championing the "change" in the law through his political minions:

“'Before they vote, all your state representatives need to hear loud and clear the support we all share for an interim Senate appointment,' wrote John Spears, Massachusetts director of Obama’s political committee Organizing for America"

More of the "change" that's being crammed down our gullets at every turn, we suppose, especially if by "change" they mean switching around every possible law and rule around to favor the Messiah, at the expense of every last shred of decency the political process has left.

This is nothing more than the most blatantly hypocritical and nakedly partisan political move that we've ever seen on any level. It actually nauseates us. Imagine the outcry from the media if Republicans were to urge the same kind of hypocritical policy U-turn, and then wonder where they've disappeared to in this case.

The right-thinking people of Massachusetts need to immediately let their "leaders" know in no uncertain terms that they will not stand for this type of unapologetic power grab, on pain of voting every single one of them out of office in the next election. The same type of election that the state's voters are being robbed of right this very minute, of course, so it's seems perfectly reasonable to wonder whether another legitimate election will ever again be held in that state.

Of course, these are the same persons who regularly returned Kennedy to office for four decades and who continue to support Kerry, so maybe they deserve the rogering they're currently receiving. Either way, we're not holding out much hope for stopping this absolute travesty of justice and fairness.

1 comment:

Bike Bubba said...

Given that the Constitution prohibits ex post facto laws at both the state and federal level, it's also flat out illegal. Not that Harry Reid cares about that, but no Senator from Taxachusetts should be seated until an election is held.