Monday, June 28, 2010

Big news day

1.  The Supreme Court has ruled 5-4 that the Second Amendment does indeed apply to state and local governments as well as the Federal Leviathan, as expected.  King Emperor Mayor-for-Life Richard Daley of Chicago, as that city's thirty-some year complete ban on handgun possession by law-abiding citizens prompted the lawsuit, must be throwing quite the juvenile tantrum right about now.

The biggest non-surprise here was that four justices (we haven't yet read any of the news articles, but let us hazard a guess - the retiring socialist, the ex-ACLU counsel, the Wise Latina and the other guy in that clique) somehow feel that the Amendment ranked Second in the Bill of Rights (after only free speech) shouldn't restrain the actions of local governments.  Do they feel the same about the First, Fourth and Fifth Amendments, for example, or is the "ickiness" factor of firearms overriding their sensibilities on this one subject?

Much more analysis later on this one.

UPDATE:  Right on cue, here comes Daley's petulant whining: 

"Daley said the city would have in place a new ordinance aimed at making it difficult to purchase and own a gun in Chicago." (emphasis ours)

Nothing like having the so-called "leader" of a major American city openly plotting to place as many obstacles as possible in the way of allowing his constituents to enjoy the free exercise of their inalienable rights, particularly given the fact that Justice Alito notes in the McDonald decision that Chicago is just about ready to call out the National Guard to attempt to get a handle on the out-of-control crime in that burg.  God forbid the martinets there let a law-abiding retiree (McDonald, the plaintiff in the case) keep a handgun in his home for self-protection, though.  That would be the end of world, according to Daley's way of thinking.

In other news, since protesters and journalists who use First Amendment protections are a constant thorn in Boss Daley's side, he is expected to soon have in place "a new ordinance aimed at making it difficult to demonstrate against his administration, or for news organizations to cover those protests".

What an utter jerk.

2.  Senator Robert Byrd, D-WVa, has passed away at the age of 92.  Segregationalists and West Virginians who were the recipients of Federal largesse out of all proportion to their population and tax contributions will no doubt mourn the hardest.

The residents there should indeed be sad - the gravy train has come to a screeching halt for them.  West Virginians can comfort themselves, however, by fondly gazing upon the hundreds of make-work structures and buildings narcissistically named after Byrd as well as offices (including a Coast Guard facility in a landlocked state that has no "coast") mysteriously relocated to the outer sticks to appreciate how lucky they were to have the wily old Klansman around for so many decades.


Bike Bubba said...

Actually, a recent Harvard study found out that all that dough wasn't that good a deal for the recipients. Apparently, money invested without regard to ROI messes up the economy for everyone else.

Chris Mallory said...

Not to defend this Coast Guard office, it looks to be an outlying hub from DC. But the CG is very active on the Ohio river. So a CG office would not be out of place in WV. The Feds claim the right to board any boat on navigable waterway in the US. Even a houseboat you are living on full time isn't given constitutional protections from CG invasion.

Bike Bubba said...

Chris, I looked it up on Mapquest, and it's on the opposite side of the state from the Ohio River, and about 100 miles from DC.

So it's not well situated to be Coast Guard, and quite frankly, it's probably also a horrible place to attract software engineers as well.

Chris Mallory said...

Biker, Like I said, wasn't defending this particular office. Just the idea that a CG office would not automatically be out of place in WV. Arizona maybe, but not WV.