Sunday, January 16, 2011

Free speech must be curbed to protect free speech

UK Guardian columnist Simon Jenkins, writing about Dear Leader's speech on the Tucson tragedy, deplores the fact that Americans have and regularly use their natural right of free speech mostly unconstrained by government regulation (what this has to do with a paranoid schizophrenic finally erupting at a perceived enemy we have no clue at all, since there's not an ounce of proof that Loughner was influenced even a little by political speech from either side) and begs "the handsome one" (oh, please) to do something about it.  He then hypocritically dives right ahead and gets in a little printed-word bashing of his own:

"Foreigners are always surprised by the US's capacity to speak right but somehow not do it"

Americans are always the clueless idiots of the world, aren't we, at least until the elite nations that are always putting us down once again need bailing out or rescuing.

"Washington must contain more wisdom and talent than anywhere on earth"

That statement right there proves without a doubt that Jenkins knows absolutely nothing about the United States.

Mr. Jenkins goes on to accomplish the impressive feat of  reversing the course of his argument in the middle of a column by complaining that Britain's 2003 Communications Act as well as the BBC code of practice on balance are too "authoritarian" for his sensibilities.  He then immediately doubles right back and somehow wants us to swallow such nonsensical bromides as "Freedom can only flourish in a climate of discipline" and "Free speech cannot exist without chains"

Maybe for you, pal, but we'll take our natural rights such as free speech and self-defense unrestricted by meddling autocrats, thank you very much.  We've seen what happens all too often when those in charge decide that the peasants are grumbling just a little too loudly about the policies being put into place for their supposed "benefit".

We suppose we shouldn't be particularly surprised at Mr. Jenkins's position, though, since his ridiculous statements are coming from a subject, not a free citizen.  Judging from the many dissenting comments his piece has garnered from fellow Brits, though, we have hope that the common peasants there are finally starting to realize just how many of their rights and freedoms they have given up over the past five decades or so, and are beginning to want them restored.

:  The winning comment on the Guardian's site comes from reader SpeaksForBoskone:
"One cannot shout fire in a crowded theatre"
You should, if there's a fire. And there is.


1 comment:

SpeaksForBoskone said...

What do I win?

I'm a Brit, btw.