Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Your convenient usefulness is at an end, media idiots

The White House Correspondents Association has lodged a formal protest about being shut out of the very events they're supposed to be covering for the public:

"In a letter to Press Sec. Robert Gibbs, the WHCA Board complained about their lack of access to the President throughout the crisis in Egypt and outlined their request to open today’s treaty signing to the White House pool."

The President has once again blatantly ignored his vow of "transparency", this time to the enablers who couldn't find a single thing about him to criticize him during his ascension to the Oval Office.  Oh, how the worm has turned.

Well, this is what naturally happens when the mainstream media finally finds their guts and quits being overt cheerleaders for such a narcissistic demagogue of a politician - the access and photo-ops dry up.  Did they really expect something different to happen? 

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