Monday, September 07, 2009

Question a diagnosis, lose custody of your children

Yet more horror stories from England that graphically illustrate the vital importance of our continuing to reject the same sort of socialized medicine scheme that the Messiah is going to once again try to cram down our throats this Wednesday evening:

"The mother of a 13-year-old girl who became partly paralysed after being given a cervical cancer vaccination says social workers have told her the child may be removed if she (the mother) continues to link her condition with the vaccination.

A couple had all six of their children removed from their care after they disputed the necessity of an invasive medical test on their eldest daughter. Doctors, who suspected she might have had a blood disease, called for social services to obtain an emergency protection order, although it was subsequently confirmed that she was not suffering from the condition. The parents were still considered unstable, and all their children were taken from them."
(All emphases mine)

How many more of these insane (yet all-too-true) stories out of Great Britain is it going to take before we wake up and realize that allowing the government to take complete control of our private health care decisions is not a good idea?

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